The project plan is organized into eight (8) work packages (WP), with a total duration of 24 months, each of which is broken down into individual tasks (Tasks), which may lead to the achievement of more than one objective. Each WP is completed with the submission of the relevant deliverables (D).

WP1 Collection, recording and evaluation of the different ways of identifying the use of Personal Protective Equipment based on proximity technologies (M1-M3)

D1.1 Review of state of the start proximity technologies

D1.2 Communication and data transmission protocols in devices that use proximity technologies

WP2 Record of all personal protective equipment (PPE) and their compliance procedures (M4-M6)

D2.1 PPE Report by Occupational Category (Data Documentation Report)

D2.2 Report with PPE compliance procedures (Procedure Documentation Report)

D2.3 Codification of PPE compliance legislation

WP3 Procurement of equipment based on proximity technologies for the implementation tests (M7-M8)

D3.1 NFC tags, Beacons, RFID tags, RFID readers, Smart Watches, Wearables (Equipment manuals)

WP4 System architecture design and user requirements analysis (M4-M8)

D4.1 Reference of functional specifications, platform architecture, and subsystems and use cases

D4.2 Project Implementation Methodology Report

D4.3 Report on the interconnection with third-party systems via Web Services (API)

WP5 System Development (M9-M20)

D5.1 Computer systems for recording and managing personal protective equipment (PPE) – C/S1

D5.2 Computer Systems for collecting personal protective equipment usage data through proximity technologies and portable devices – C/S2

D5.3 Computer systems for notification of insufficient use of PPE using a central Dashboard for alerts – C/S3

D5.4 Computer Systems for data analysis and visualization – C/S4

D5.5 Subsystems completion

D5.6 Implementation of an interface for the interconnection with third-party systems (Web API)

WP6 Pilot and evaluation of the system (M21-M23)

D6.1 Control scripts and system piloting

D6.2 System Documentation and Manual

D6.3 System Evaluation

WP7 Commercial exploitation and dissemination of project results (M1-M24)

D7.1 Communication plan for project results

D7.2 Product website

D7.3 Alternative business models

D7.4 Publicity and communication activities

WP8 Participation in trade fairs (M1-M24)

D8.1  Participation in fairs