Innovative platform leveraging Internet of Things and proximity technologies
Next generation Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) using of IoT (Internet of Things) sensors
Integrated PPE management environment and workplace safety incident monitoring
Strengthening the safety of workers in various sectors of the Greek economy as there is dynamic update on the non-use of PPE and activation of automatic Push notifications processes on the mobile phone, limiting the chances of occupational accidents
Effective organization of PPE in an organization and tracking if they are present and in good condition
Employees' confidence in the organisational and preventive measures taken by their employers to prevent and reduce occupational accidents
The WEAR4Safe platform is being piloted in the Municipality of Trikkaia in two indicative areas of work that include tasks requiring the use of PPE: Garbage vehicles and cleaning of public spaces and buildings. The e-Trikala Development Corporation, having ten years of experience in the management of both national and European (co-)funded projects in the wider technological field, contributed substantially to the design and trial implementation of the WEAR4Safe platform.